Tuesday 15 October 2013

Weka and Hadoop Part 1

How to handle large datasets with Weka is a question that crops up frequently on the Weka mailing list and forums. This post is the first of three that outlines what's available, in terms of distributed processing functionality, in several new packages for Weka 3.7. This series of posts is continued in part 2 and part 3.

The first new package is called distributedWekaBase. It provides base "map" and "reduce" tasks that are not tied to any specific distributed platform. The second, called distributedWekaHadoop, provides Hadoop-specific wrappers and jobs for these base tasks. In the future there could be other wrappers - one based on the Spark platform would be cool.

Base map and reduce tasks

distributedWekaBase version 1.0 provides tasks for:

  1. Determining a unified ARFF header from separate data chunks in CSV format. This is particularly important because, as Weka users know, Weka is quite particular about metadata - especially when it comes to nominal attributes. At the same time this task computes some handy summary statistics (that are stored as additional "meta attributes" in the header), such as count, sum, sum squared, min, max, num missing, mean, standard deviation and frequency counts for nominal values.  These summary statistics come in useful for some of the other tasks listed below.
  2. Computing a correlation or covariance matrix. Once the ARFF header job has been run, then computing a correlation matrix can be completed in just one pass over the data given our handy summary stats. The matrix produced by this job can be read by Weka's Matrix class. Map tasks compute a partial matrix of covariance sums. The reduce tasks aggregates individual rows of the matrix in order to produce the final matrix. This means that parallelism can be exploited in the reduce phase by using as many reducers as there are rows in the matrix.
  3. Training a Weka classifier (or regressor). The map portion of this task can train any Weka classifier (batch or incremental) on a given data chunk and then the reduce portion will aggregate the individual models in various ways, depending on the type of classifier. Recently, a number of classifiers in Weka 3.7 have become Aggregateable. Such classifiers allow one final model, of the same type, to be produced from several separate models. Examples include: naive Bayes, naive Bayes multinomial, various linear regression models (learned by SGD) and Bagging. Other, non-Aggregateable, classifiers can be combined by forming a voted ensemble using Weka's Vote meta classifier. The classifier task also has various handy options such as allowing reservoir sampling to be used with batch learners (so that a maximum number of instances processed by the learning algorithm in a given map can be enforced), normal Weka filters to be used for pre-processing in each map (the task takes care of using various special subclasses of FilteredClassifier for wrapping the base classifier and filters depending on whether the base learner is Aggregateable and/or incremental), forcing batch learning for incremental learners (if desired), and for using a special "pre-constructed" filter (see below).
  4.  Evaluating a classifier or regressor. This task handles evaluating a classifier using either the training data, a separate test set or cross-validation. Because Weka's Evaluation module is Aggregateable, and computes statistics incrementally, this is fairly straightforward. The process makes use of the classifier training task to learn an aggregated classifier in one pass over the data and then evaluation proceeds in a second pass. In the case of cross-validation, the classifiers for all folds are learned in one go (i.e. one aggregated classifier per fold) and then evaluated. In this case, the learning phase can make use of up to k reducers (one per fold). In the batch learning case, the normal process of creating folds (using Instances.train/testCV()) is used and the order of the instances in each map gets randomised first. In the case of incremental learning, instances are processed in a streaming fashion and a modulus operation is used to pull out the training/test instances corresponding to a given fold of the cross-validation.
  5. Scoring using a trained classifier or regressor. This is fairly simple and just takes uses a trained model to make predictions. No reducer is needed in this case. The task outputs input instances with predicted probability distributions appended. The user can specify which of the input attribute values to output along with the predictions. It also builds a mapping between the attributes in the incoming instances and those that the model is expecting, with missing attributes or type mismatches replaced with missing values.
  6. PreconstructedPCA. This is not a distributed task as such; instead it is a filter that can accept a correlation matrix or covariance matrix (as produced by the correlation matrix task) and produces a principal components analysis. The filter produces the same textual analysis output as Weka's standard PCA (in the attribute selection package) and also encapsulates the transformation for data filtering purposes. Once constructed, it can be used with the classifier building task.

Hadoop wrappers and jobs

distributedWekaHadoop version 1.0 provides a number of utilities for configuration/HDFS, mappers and reducers that wrap the base tasks, and jobs to orchestrate everything against Apache Hadoop 1.x (in particular, it has been developed and tested against Hadoop 1.1.2 and 1.2.1).

Getting datasets in and out of HDFS

The first thing this package provides is a "Loader" and "Saver" for HDFS. These can batch transfer or stream data in and out of HDFS using any base Loader or Saver - so any data format that Weka already supports can be written or read to/from HDFS. Because the package uses Hadoop's TextInputFormat for delivering data to mappers, we work solely with CSV files that have no header row. The CSVSaver in Weka 3.7.10 has a new option to omit the header row when writing a CSV file. The new HDFSSaver and HDFSLoader can be used from the command line or the Knowledge Flow GUI:

ARFF header creation job

The first job that the distributedWekaHadoop package provides is one to create a unified ARFF header + summary statistics from the input data. All Weka Hadoop jobs have an extensive command line interface (to facilitate scripting etc.) and a corresponding step in the Knowledge Flow GUI. The jobs also take care of making sure that all Weka classes (and dependencies) are available to map and reduce tasks executing in Hadoop. It does this by installing the Weka jar file (and other dependencies) in HDFS and then adding them to the distributed cache and classpath for the job.

java weka.Run ArffHeaderHadoopJob \
-hdfs-host palladium.local -hdfs-port 9000 \
-jobtracker-host palladium.local -jobtracker-port 9001 \
-input-paths /users/mhall/input/classification \
-output-path /users/mhall/output \
-names-file $HOME/hypothyroid.names -max-split-size 100000 \
-logging-interval 5 \
-user-prop mapred.child.java.opts=-Xmx500m

The job has options for specifying Hadoop connection details and input/output paths. It also allows control over the number of map tasks that actually get executed via the max-split-size option (this sets dfs.block.size) as Hadoop's default of 64Mb may not be appropriate for batch learning tasks, depending on data characteristics. The classifier job, covered in the next instalment of this series, has a pre-processing option to create a set of randomly shuffled input data chunks, which gives greater control over the number and size of the data sets processed by the mappers. The ARFF header job also has a set of options for controlling how the CSV input file gets parsed and processed. It is possible to specify attribute (column) names directly or have them read from a "names" file (one attribute name per line; not to be confused with the C4.5 ".names" file format) stored on the local file system or in HDFS. 

As other Weka Hadoop jobs use the ARFF job internally, and it is not necessary to repeat it for subsequent jobs that process the same data set, it is possible to prevent the job from executing by providing a path to an existing ARFF header (in or out of HDFS) to use. 

The image below shows what the job produces for the UCI hypothyroid dataset. Given the configuration for this job shown above, the header gets stored as /users/mhall/output/arff/hypothyroid.arff in HDFS. It also gets displayed by the TextViewer in the Knowledge Flow. "Class" is the last of the actual data attributes and the ones that occur after that are the summary meta attributes that correspond to each of the nominal or numeric attributes in the data.

This ends the first part of our coverage of the new distributed Weka functionality. In part two I'll cover the remaining Hadoop jobs for learning and evaluating classifiers and performing a correlation analysis.


  1. The latest distributedWekaHadoop doesn't build with mvn clean package. Maven says opencsv is the problem.

    -- Brian

    1. ok really its true and your post looking good keep it up.
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  2. I've just committed a fix to the pom.xml in distributedWekaBase. Thanks for pointing this out.


    1. Please how can I install distributed WEKA in my windows environment. I am always getting an error message when I click on install.

      Please, is there any step by step instruction on how to do it?

    2. Which version of Weka are you using, and what is the error message? If Weka can't connect to sourceforge, then you might be behind a proxy. In this case there is instructions on configuring Weka to use a proxy at:

      http://weka.wikispaces.com/How+do+I+use+the+package+manager%3F#GUI package manager-Using a HTTP proxy

      If you are using Weka <= 3.8.0, then you will need to upgrade to Weka >= 3.8.1, due to an issue with sourceforge generating redirects from download links. The package manager in 3.8.1 has been fixed to deal with this.


  3. Hi Mark,
    Thanks! I still don't get past 'mvn clean package'. Was this tested on a clean machine without access to any local maven repositories? There are dependency resolution problems afoot.

    -- Brian

    -- Brian

  4. Hi - thanks for making the library available.
    Might it be possible to also post an example of a short java running a weka clusterer/classifier as a mapreduce job?

  5. congratulations guys, quality information you have given!!! Big Data and Analytics

  6. good to see the best information about the big data. and u can read all Hadoop Interview Questions here

  7. Hi Mark!
    Thanks for the package. Very interesting.
    One question. How I can set for ARFF header creation job (and other jobs, especially WekaClassifierHadoopJob, that source CSV file has header row ? I tried it, but is recognizes first row as data row, so adds me unnecessary values for every parameter.
    I didn't find this option. Can you help me ?

    With best regards
    Pavel Dvorkin

  8. No, I’m afraid that it is not possible to use a CSV file with a header row. This is because Hadoop will split the file up for processing by multiple mappers and only one mapper will get the chunk that contains the header row.

    You will need to remove the header row in your file before processing by any of the distributed Weka jobs. Note that the CSVSaver in Weka has an option to omit the header row when writing a CSV file, so you could try reading file (incrementally if it is large) via the HDFSLoader+CSVLoader and then writing it back into HDFS as a new CSV file (minus header row) via HDFSSaver+CSVSaver.


  9. Hi Mark!
    Can you give me plugin ( distributedWekaHadoop) installation algorithm? I can not get it to connect to Weka

  10. Hi Sergey,

    It is designed to work with Weka 3.7. If you have Weka 3.7.10 then you can install distributedWekaHadoop via the built-in package manager (GUIChooser-->Tools).


    1. Hi Mark,

      Thank you very mach !
      I installed the plugin, but got an error. There are no modules (JDBC). Where to get and how to install? Help me, please!


  11. These are just warning to let you know that there are some missing JDBC drivers. This has no impact on distributed Weka.


  12. Hi Mark,
    I'm don't see "HDFSServer".
    Help me please !


  13. I can't see a "Hadoop" folder on the left-hand-side in your screenshot. Have you installed "distributedWekaHadoop" via the package manager (GUIChooser-->Tools)?

    Once installed correctly, you will find HDFSLoader under "DataSources" and HDFSSaver under "DataSinks".


  14. heyyy,, can u plz give me the solution....why weka is not working on a large dataset using multilayer perceptron classifier but its working on naive bayes using same data

  15. You might need to expand a bit on "not working". What are you doing exactly and what is happening (i.e. errors, exceptions etc.)?


  16. hi Mark,
    what about Hadoop 2.2 ? I tried to use HDFSSaver and got the following:

    11:52:57: [Saver] HDFSSaver$254396694|-dest / -saver "weka.core.converters.CSVSaver -F , -M ? -decimal 6" -hdfs-host -hdfs-port 8020| problem saving. org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RemoteException: Server IPC version 9 cannot communicate with client version 4

  17. I just started use your package and want to make it work with my hadoop2.x.
    Could you please specify which library file to replace and how to change the user properties?

    Thanks in advance

  18. I have managed to build distributedWekaHadoop against Hadoop 2.2.0 libraries and test it successfully both locally and on AWS in fully distributed mode. If Mark is ok with that i can post a link of the package.

  19. Hi ArisKK,

    Sounds great! Please share the link to the package with the community (and any other settings/properties you used). Was it necessary to re-compile against Hadoop 2.2.0? 1.2 is supposed to be binary compatible with 2.x, and it worked for me with just a straight swap of jar files.


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  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Hi all,
    When I use a CSVLoader to provide instances to HDFSSaver, the CSVLoader automatically add a header att1..att5 like this:

    If I establish the value of noHeaderRowPresent=False I get the next error:
    [Loader] CSVLoader$1560672686|-M ? -B 100 -E ",' -F ,| Attribute names are not unique! Causes: '85'.
    For that reason when I use CSVtoARFF HeaderHadoopJob I get this arff header:
    @relation 'A relation name'

    @attribute att1 {att1,overcast,rainy,sunny}
    @attribute att2 {64,65,68,69,70,71,72,75,80,81,83,85,att2}
    @attribute att3 {65,70,75,80,85,86,90,91,95,96,att3}
    @attribute att4 {FALSE,TRUE,att4}
    @attribute att5 {att5,no,yes}
    @attribute arff_summary_att1 {att1_1.0,overcast_4.0,rainy_5.0,sunny_5.0,**missing**_0.0}
    @attribute arff_summary_att2 {64_1.0,65_1.0,68_1.0,69_1.0,70_1.0,71_1.0,72_2.0,75_2.0,80_1.0,81_1.0,83_1.0,85_1.0,att2_1.0,**missing**_0.0}
    @attribute arff_summary_att3 {65_1.0,70_3.0,75_1.0,80_2.0,85_1.0,86_1.0,90_2.0,91_1.0,95_1.0,96_1.0,att3_1.0,**missing**_0.0}
    @attribute arff_summary_att4 {FALSE_8.0,TRUE_6.0,att4_1.0,**missing**_0.0}
    @attribute arff_summary_att5 {att5_1.0,no_5.0,yes_9.0,**missing**_0.0}


    So my questions are: How can I save a csv file without header? and how can I specify the type(numeric, nominal,etc)of each attribute? (everyone appear as nominal and when I use CorrelationMatrixHadoopJob the hadoop log show me this error:DistributedWekaException: No numeric attributes in the input data!)

    Thanks in advance ;)

    1. You should leave the CSVLoader options at their defaults (i.e. read the header row). The HDFSSaver uses a CSVSaver internally when it writes the data to HDFS. There is an option in the CSVSaver to omit writing the header row - you need to make sure that this is turned on so that the CSV file in HDFS does not have a header row. See the "Getting datasets in and out of HDFS" section in the post.


    2. Thanks Mark!
      I didn't realize that HDFSSaver has his own CSVSaver internally. I just have changed noHeaderRow parameter to "False" and everything works fine.


  23. Thanks for your such valuable information. But could you please kindly do me a favor?
    I am a new weka and hadoop learner, and I've successfully installed the distrubutedwekabase and distrubutedwekahadoop packages just used the method you mentioned before:through the GUI->tools.
    When finished my installment,I can see a "Hadoop" folder, but I cannot find either "distrubutedwekabase" or "distrubutedwekahadoop" in the "available" list in the PackageManager. I tried to Run the "CSVtoArffHeaderHadoopJob", and it always prompted that "no customer class".
    p.s. I checked the configuration by clicked "more" and I noticed that in the "CSVtoArffHeaderHadoopJob" configuration pannel, there is no additionwekajar item showed.

    So could you kindly give me some advice?
    Thanks in advance ;)

  24. Hi Mark,
    Thanks for your quick reply. I tried running on classic as well, but with no luck. Could tell me what user properties you had provided or what other configuration changes you had made while running the job in classic mapreduce on CDH 4?

    Thanks in advance!

  25. I didn't have to set any properties at all to run under MR v1 on CDH 4.4. Admittedly, the only service I had running was MR v1, and other services (including YARN) were shut down.

    What error/exceptions are you seeing?


  26. Are you sure that you've copied the correct CDH client jars into ${user.home}/wekafiles/packages/distributedWekaHadoop/lib? I took the jars from:


    There seemed to be more jars than needed in that directory (two copies of each in fact - one with *cdh4* in the name and one without), but that didn't cause a problem for me.

    Of course, you'll need to make sure your cluster is running MR v1.

    There are a number of posts on various forums around about the "Cannot initialize Cluster" error. Take a look at:



  27. We copied all the jars from CDH4 installed version of Hadoop into distributedWekaHadoop library
    but we are encountering the following error when we tried to create knowledge flow using HDFS Loader or HDFS Saver

    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/hadoop/fs/FSDataOutputStream
    aused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream
    at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:217)
    at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
    at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:205)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:323)
    at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:294)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:268)

    Please help me debug the error encountered and mention the versions of Java and Hadoop compatiable with the WEKAHadoop implementation

  28. Did you remove the existing jars from


    and then copy all jars from

    CDH's /usr/lib/hadoop/client-0.20 into

    This process has worked successfully for a several people using CDH 4.4 and 4.7. Java version 1.6 or 1.7 should be fine.


  29. Thank you for your quick response

    We followed the same procedure and replaced the jar's in
    ${user.home}/wekafiles/packages/distributedWekaHadoop/lib with
    jars from ../cloudera/parcels/hadoop/lib/client-0.20

    After the procedure we encounter the following error during the startup of WEKA

    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/hadoop/fs/FSDataOutputStream
    java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)

    We also altered the java version to 1.6 when we encountered error with version 1.7
    We have Cloudera 4.7 running on our cluster


  30. It looks like there are still core Hadoop classes missing. Can you try copying jars from


    rather than



  31. Hello,

    I have an error when i start weka package manager (weka developper version 3.7.11) :

    java.net.SocketTimeoutException: connect timed out weka package manager

    Do you have any idea ?

    Best Regards,

  32. Do you have to go through a proxy for internet access? See:

    http://weka.wikispaces.com/How+do+I+use+the+package+manager%3F#GUI package manager-Using a HTTP proxy


  33. Hi Mark,

    thank you for the very nice tutorial. I have a question regarding
    WekaClassifierEvaluationTest in 1.0.7:

    When you set up the evaluator, you make it like this, using the iris dataset:

    double[] priors = { 50.0, 50.0, 50.0 };
    evaluator.setup(new Instances(train, 0), priors, 150, 1L, 0);

    Why are you defining "count" as 150? From the Javadoc, one can read count refers to "the total number of class values seen (with respect to the priors)" As for your Iris example, I understand it should be 3: the number of classes in the dataset. I tried both with 3 and 150 and (apparently), there is no difference in the obtained results.

    Am I getting sth wrong?

    Thank you in advance!

  34. Hi Alberto,

    Sorry, the javadoc is a little misleading here. That value is actually the sum of the instance weights from which the class prior counts were computed. I should really just simplify the API because it's just the sum of the priors[] :-)

    See weka.classifiers.evaluation.AggregateableEvaluationWithPriors and its superclass (in the main weka distribution jar) weka.classifiers.evaluation.Evaluation.


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  37. Could you specify the steps to be followed to make the distributedwekaPackage work with hadoop 2.4 ? I am unable to connect my hadoop node with weka although they are running

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  44. Hi Mark
    I am facing a problem.

    When i try to use WekaClassifierEvaluationHadoopJob for 24 lakh instances in multinode cluster(2 nodes) then only the different types of errors comes as the output not the accuracy percentage or the confusion matrix.
    So what to do in order to get the accuracy percentage also.
    Waiting for your reply

  45. Perhaps your class attribute is numeric? In this case there are only error metrics and correlation coefficient output.


    1. Yeah
      After i converted the class attribute to nominal values i got the accuracy percentage also.

  46. Hi mark i got another problem

    I have installed the SMOTE preprocessor through package manager in ubuntu and it is loaded,but when i use this preprocessor or any other package installed through package manager, an error is thrown


    so how to rectify this problem

    1. Non-core Weka code needs to find its way into the distributed cache and the classpath for jobs. There is a configuration option in the Weka jobs called "additionalWekaPackages" that takes a comma-separated list of package names - this can be use to make sure package jar files (and any dependent libraries) get included in the job's classpath.


    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. after including the package in additionalWekaPackages configuration,it is still showing the same error
      and the classpath is pointing to the weka.jar file

    4. Blast! There is a bug in the GUI that's resulting in the additionalWekaPackages property not getting set. I've just released a new version of the distributedWekaHadoop package that fixes this.


    5. Hi Mark.

      In the classifier building stage it is not showing error but in the classifier evaluation stage it is showing the same error "Can't Find the class PSOSearch"

    6. And PSOSearch.jar has been copied from packages in wekafiles to HDFS

    7. Also if i want to use GeneticSearch which is present in attributeSelectionSearchMethods package,it is showing error in the classifier building stage as it is not copying the attributeSelectionSearchMethods.jar to hdfs

    8. You are correct. There is still a problem with the evaluation stage - additional package libraries are not getting into the classpath of the job at that point. I'll take a look at it when I get a chance.

      The attributeSelectionSearchMethods jar gets copied over fine for me (at least for the classifier building stage).


  47. Hi Mark

    I am facing a problem . I am trying to integrate hadoop and weka in java code. So that i have included the hadoop and distributedWekaHadoop jars into eclipse and started to code. I want to store a file which is present in HDFS as an Instances object, So that i can pass the dataset for the weka classification/clustering algorithm easily. I have created an object for HDFSLoader class and tried to access setSource( ) with a file as its parameter. But i am getting an error like "Setting file as source is not supported ".
    Kindly give me some idea to recover from this error.

    Thanks in advance

    1. You should call setHDFSPath() on HDFSLoader. This option can take either an absolute file path or a URL (hdfs://:/...); in the case of the former, you need to also specify the HDFS host and port via getConfig().setHDFSHost() and getConfig().setHDFSPort().


  48. Thanks for your reply Mark. It works.

  49. Could you specify the steps clearly on which library files to swap and where? I am new to Hadoop and need to run this job immediately using Hadoop 2.4. Kindly help


  50. sir I dnt know how to combine weka with hadoop i want to know detail explanation about how to combine weka with hadoop . sir i just install hadoop and download distributedWekabase please give me detail explanation

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  52. Hi, I am a Java/Scala developer looking for a project that will deepen my understanding of Weka. I have tinkered with Apache Spark a little, and am wondering if there is an ongoing effort (to develop a Weka Spark plugin) that I can contribute to. If not might it be a good idea to start such a project?

    Thanks for your views.

    - Sanjay Dasgupta

    1. Yes, there is a distributedWekaSpark plugin. Take a look at:


      The code can be found at:



  53. Hi Mark,

    We are trying to parallelize an InformationGain calculation to build decision trees.
    We read the data into the weka Instance data type to create attributes and then
    load the values to build the dataset in the Java program. However it seems that Hadoop Mapreduce does not recognize the Instance data type and processes everything serially (?) So, is there a way to transfer the Instance data to the HDFS format? Or some other solution which avoids reading and writing arff files?

    Thankyou and regards,

    David Nettleton.

  54. Hi David,

    Yes, Mapreduce in Hadoop (for plain text sources at least) does stream rows into the map tasks. MR tasks in distributed Weka processe CSV data (without header rows) and converts each row streamed in by the Hadoop framework to an Instance object internally. In order to do this, it needs an initial MR pass over the data in order to infer data types and build an ARFF header containing the attribute information. This ARFF header is then loaded by subsequent MR jobs in order to convert the CSV data into Instances. No ARFF files, beyond the ARFF header file are written or read from HDFS. I'd expect that the same approach should work for your application. You should be able to leverage the existing ArffHeaderHadoop job to accomplish the header creation.


    1. Hi Mark,

      Thankyou for your reply and explanation. This enabled us to get a little further, but now we have an error when trying to create the arff header. Below are the details. I would be very grateful if you could tell me
      where we are going wrong!

      We are using:

      Hadoop 2.5.2
      Weka 3.7.12
      Distributed Weka Hadoop 1.0.15
      Distributed Weka Base 1.0.12

      Thankyou and regards, David Nettleton.

      We are trying to run a ArffHeaderHadoopJob with this code:

      String opts = "-hdfs-host -hdfs-port 9000 -jobtracker-host -jobtracker-port 8021 -input-paths hdfs://localhost:9000/user/iris/test.csv -output-path ./test -max-split-size 100000 -logging-interval 5 -user-prop mapred.child.java.opts=-Xmx500m";
      ArffHeaderHadoopJob arffjob = new ArffHeaderHadoopJob();

      The output error indicates NullPointerException in the weka.distributed.CSVToARFFHeaderMapTask.makeStructure.

      2015-05-20 16:42:13,111 INFO [Thread-30] mapred.LocalJobRunner (LocalJobRunner.java:runTasks(456)) - map task executor complete.
      2015-05-20 16:42:13,165 WARN [Thread-30] mapred.LocalJobRunner (LocalJobRunner.java:run(560)) - job_local516291587_0001

      java.lang.Exception: java.lang.NullPointerException
      at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.LocalJobRunner$Job.runTasks(LocalJobRunner.java:462)
      at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.LocalJobRunner$Job.run(LocalJobRunner.java:522)
      Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
      at weka.distributed.CSVToARFFHeaderMapTask.makeStructure(CSVToARFFHeaderMapTask.java:1430)
      at weka.distributed.CSVToARFFHeaderMapTask.getHeader(CSVToARFFHeaderMapTask.java:1183)
      at weka.distributed.hadoop.CSVToArffHeaderHadoopMapper.cleanup(CSVToArffHeaderHadoopMapper.java:203)
      at org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Mapper.run(Mapper.java:148)
      at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MapTask.runNewMapper(MapTask.java:764)
      at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MapTask.run(MapTask.java:340)
      at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.LocalJobRunner$Job$MapTaskRunnable.run(LocalJobRunner.java:243)
      at java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:471)
      at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:262)
      at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1145)
      at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:615)
      at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)

      In the CSVToARFFHeaderMapTask.makeStructure method the m_attributeTypes are null so this is causing an NullPointerException.

      for (int i = 0; i < m_attributeTypes.length; i++) {
      if (m_attributeTypes[i] == TYPE.UNDETERMINED) {
      // type conflicts due to all missing values are handled
      // in the reducer by checking numeric types against nominal/string
      m_attributeTypes[i] = TYPE.NUMERIC;

  55. Hi David,

    Here is an example that runs on the iris data in my local setup. Note that input and output paths are always in HDFS (there is no local filesystem support in distributedWekaHadoop), therefore there is no need to supply URL in the input and output paths. Furthermore, the paths are relative to your home directory in HDFS, unless fully qualified.

    import weka.distributed.hadoop.*;

    public class HadoopTest {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
    String opts = "-hdfs-host palladium.local -hdfs-port 9000 -jobtracker-host palladium.local -jobtracker-port 9001 -input-paths input/classification2 -output-path output -A petallength,petalwidth,sepallength,sepalwidth,class";

    ArffHeaderHadoopJob arffjob = new ArffHeaderHadoopJob();
    } catch (Exception ex) {

  56. Oh, I also meant to add that the input-paths are paths to directories that contain your input csv files. This is how Hadoop's TextInputFormat works, it processes directories.


    1. Hello Mark,
      I am trying to use your code in order to test the distributedWeka. I receive the folllwing error:
      Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: weka.distributed.CSVToARFFHeaderMapTask.getComputeSummaryStats()Z
      at weka.distributed.hadoop.ArffHeaderHadoopJob.runJob(ArffHeaderHadoopJob.java:628)
      at org.sailendra.jmilliettest.DistributedWeka.main(DistributedWeka.java:21)

      Do you have any idea?

  57. Hello,
    could you please confirm the compatibility between the Weka 3.7 and Hadoop 2.5.2 versions?


  58. I have run distributedWekaHadoop against Hadoop 2.2.0 and 2.6.0 without having to recompile the Weka code. Read the discussion in previous comments for information on swapping jars and configuration properties to run against map-reduce under YARN.


  59. Hello Mark,

    we have been following your advices to try to integrate distributedWekaHadoop into our Hadoop-2.5.2 installation. These are the steps we've done:

    - Changed OpenJDK to Oracle's JDK 1.8.
    - Installed and verified Hadoop 2.5.2. All hadoop components work and are able to submit and execute jobs
    - Installed a copy of the distributedWekaHadoop .jar
    - Changed all .jar files within distributedWekaHadoop who are provided with newer versions on the Hadoop-2.5.2. The files are simply copied from the Hadoop-2.5.2 to the distributedWekaHadoop and the old files, provided by distributedWekaHadoop are deleted.
    - However, there are three files that we are not sure of:
    --> hsqldb, who is provided bz Hadoop but it's on the 'examples' folder
    -->oro; there is no trace of 'oro' anywhere on Hadoop
    --> hadoop-core, who is also not present on hadoop-2.5.2

    Last, we generated a Eclipse to run our code, and we are always getting the JavaNullPointerExcpetion taht David Nettleton posts on 20-May.

    Are we missing something? Besides, in a previous post you state that 'replacing jar files' AND 'configuring properties' is enough to make distributedWeka work on Hadoop 2.5.2. What does 'configuring properties' mean? Do we need to do something else than copying files?

    Thank you,

  60. Hi Mark,

    I have actually tryin to install an image of hadoop using this link (https://nabisaheb.wordpress.com/2013/04/15/hadoop-installation-on-windows/)

    I tried to configure arrfloader hdssaver..however, the flow in Weka runs but never finished i nor get any excpetion.

    Can u help me what is wrong id I use any image for weka haddop..i sucessfully aded wekhaddop 1. extensions BTW

  61. Are you executing Weka from the Windows side (to talk to Hadoop in the VM), or Weka from the Hadoop VM? In either case, you should check both the Weka log file (~/wekafiles/weka.log) and the logs in Hadoop to see if there are exceptions.


  62. Hi Mark,
    I am trying to convert Arff to CSV using the ArffLoader to HDFSSaver. However, everytime I run the workflow, it only runs the ArffLoader part, the later part never runs. Also, is there a specific way of creating a .names file in order to specify attribute values for the later step?

  63. It sounds like there are problems connecting to HDFS on your cluster. If you start Weka from the command prompt, and then try executing, are there errors/exceptions printed? You will need to have installed the correct version of distributedWekaHadoop - distributedWekaHadoop for 1.x clusters or distributedWekaHadoop2 for 2.x clusters.

    Configuration is more complicated if you are running against Hadoop 2.x. Weka attempts to set various properties for 2.x programatically, however, for non-trivial cluster configurations its best to actually include the cluster configuration directory in the classpath when launching Weka (this way the hadoop classes will read your config files directly).


  64. Hi Mark,
    Thank you for replying. I had permission issues on the cluster. I got past that issue. I am now stuck on how to create the .names file. Is there a particular way we create it? Can you provide a sample of a .names file?

  65. Hi,

    The names file format is simple - just one attribute name per line, in the order that the columns occur in the CSV file.


  66. Hi Mark,
    is it possible to run the Multilayer Perceptron algorithm with Weka Spark or Hadhoop modules?

    1. Yes, it should be possible. Note that there isn't a distributed version of the MLP, so you will get an ensemble of voted MLP classifiers as the result.


  67. Hi Mark,
    I have another question, is it possible to connect Weka Spark and Hadhoop modules to the google cloud platform? Do you see contraindications?

    1. I'm afraid I don't have any experience with the the Google cloud platform. Given that you can run an Linux OS in their VMs, I would hazard a guess that it should be possible to get distributed Weka working. I know folks have got it working on Amazon's offering.


    2. Ok, thanks a lot for your clear answers. I am trying to run Weka using a Hadoop cloud provider, I cannot deal with the effort needed to build an homemade Hadoop installation and management. I will follow your advise and I will try with Amazon. Thanks again! Alessandro

    3. Hi Alessandro ,I want to know if you happened to use weka on Amazon please because I am in the same case I am hesitant to use Distributed weka or another tool on Amazon

  68. Hello Mark
    I have install distributed Weka hadoop in weka successfully ,but when I try to do your example above I get an error:

    Call to localhost/ failed on connection exception: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: no further information

    Could please help me

  69. Hello Mark
    Thank you so much for sharing this information. I am using Apache Hadoop 2.x, from where i get distributedWekaHadoop2 package, please guide me to proceed into my PhD work

  70. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  71. Hi Mark,
    i have already installed Hadoop 2.6.0 on ubuntu.
    Can i install Weka and distributed Weka hadoop on it.

  72. Hi Mark, Can you alos write a post how to try this on Amazaon EMR?

    1. I've never experimented with EMR. However, there are some community members who have used distributed Weka on EMR. They might comment if they are reading this blog.


    2. Hi Mahdi ,I want to know, if you happened to use weka on EMR please because I am in the same case, I am hesitant to use Distributed weka or another tool on EMR

  73. Hi Mark, After integrating Hadoop with weka, I tried to save the data in HDFS. But Weka showing error like "05:24:43: [Saver] HDFSSaver$28977129|-dest /user/iris.csv -saver "weka.core.converters.CSVSaver -F , -M ? -N -decimal 6" -hdfs-host localhost -hdfs-port 8020| problem saving. java.io.IOException: Mkdirs failed to create /user"

    Please help me to resolve this problem

    1. How did u integrate hadoop with weka??

    2. You probably don't have permissions to create files in /user in HDFS. Try writing to your own user directory.


  74. How to integrate weka with hadoop and also spark. I want a detailed step by step process for the same.


  75. where to set the properties and in which file?, Kindly help

  76. Hello,
    I am trying to run CSVToArffHeaderHadoop job. I was successful in executing HDFSsaver. But when I try to submit Header job it gets stuck in "ACCEPTED: waiting for AM container to be allocated, launched and register with RM. ". I tried to analyse user logs for the job but it has "log4j:ERROR setFile(null,true) call failed.
    java.io.FileNotFoundException: /usr/local/hadoop_latest/logs/userlogs/application_1462905273984_0004/container_1462905273984_0004_01_000001 (Is a directory)" error on it.

    Please help me to resolve this issue

    1. Did you install the distributedWekaHadoop2 package? This is for Apache Hadoop 2.x clusters. If you are using another distribution (such as Cloudera or Hortonworks) then you'll need to replace the libraries in the lib directory of distributedWekaHadoop2Libs with the ones that come with your Hadoop distribution. Configuration is somewhat more complicated for Hadoop 2.x clusters than it is for 1.x. The best bet is to make sure that the configuration directory for you cluster is included in the CLASSPATH when you start Weka.


  77. Hi Mark

    I need to run this example at my "hadoop" user, but when I try, I get this error: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.InternalError: Can't connect to X11 window server using ':0' as the value of the DISPLAY variable.

    If I run with the "comp1" user, it works perfectly. But I need to run with the "hadoop" user.

    I already try to change the values of the variable DISPLAY, but did not work.

    Can you help me please?

    Thank you

    1. Perhaps you can ssh into the hadoop user account with X-forwarding? Of if you are using sudo or su then perhaps this will help:



    2. Ok, it worked!

      Thank you

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  80. Hi

    I'm looking for distributed Weka documentation to understand what are exactly the commands -num-folds, -total-folds, -num-nodes, -logging-interval, -max-split-size, -randomized-chunks, -user-prop, and others. But I could not find the informations about these commands yet.
    Where can I find the documentation about these commands?

    Thank you in advance

  81. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  83. Hmm. I'm not too sure what is going on here. Are you using YARN and the new mapreduce? Things are pretty confusing in Hadoop - there is the old API (org.apache.hadoop.mapred) and the new one (org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce). Weka's implementations are all on the new API.

    If you are running YARN/Hadoop 2 then I'm pretty sure that mapred.job.tracker is not used, and yarn.resourcemanager.* properties are the important ones. Weka accommodates both Hadoop 2 and 1 via the "jobTracker" field in the GUI. When the distributedWekaHadoop2 package is installed the tool tip for this field should show "jobtracker/resource manager" (or something to that effect), so you should enter the host that your resource manager is running on here. It is highly recommended that your hadoop conf directory is in the CLASSPATH when starting Weka when using YARN. There are so many more configuration properties for YARN when running non-trivial clusters that Weka does not attempt to provide options/config dialogs for everything, and instead relies on the Hadoop classes grabbing stuff that they need from the config files in the classpath.


  84. Great! It is working!

    How can we solve the problem of heap space? This is the error: "[ClassifierMapTask] Memory (free/total/max.) in bytes: 10.090.400 / 200.015.872 / 200.015.872".

    These are the steps we've done:
    1º Added -Xmx2048m in the command (but didn't work)
    "java -Xmx2048m -classpath CLASSPATH:weka.jar:/usr/local/hadoop/etc/hadoop/* weka.Run ....."

    2º Added the following property in mapred-site.xml: (but didn't work)


    3º Added this another property in mapred-site.xml: (but didn't work)



    Are we missing something else?


    1. Hi Mark

      By using "mapred.child.java.opts=-Xmx1024m" in the command it worked!
      The reason that it wasn't working maybe was because the classpath was not configured correctly, because this same property was set at mapred-site.xml. Anyway, now it is working.


  85. Hi Mark

    I would like to understand, If we have 8 nodes, each one with 3GB of RAM, Why is not possible to consider the sum of all available memory (24GB) in the cluster when using -Xmx command?
    It is just possible to use less than 3GB, like: -Xmx2048m (2GB). If we use, for example, -Xmx20480m (20GB) in the commands it doesn't work.

    Thanks in advance

    1. Hadoop is not a shared memory architecture. You can't just add together the available memory on each node. Each map task has to be able to execute within the confines of memory on a particular node.


  86. Hi Mark

    In the first moment we solve this heap problem by adding "-user-prop mapred.child.java.opts=-Xmx1024m" in the command. But now It is necessary to set more than one configuration and we are trying to follow your recomendation "to place the cluster config dir (etc/hadoop) in the classpath when starting Weka". But it is with error, because there aren't jar and zip files in this directory, that is necessary in classpath. The type of config files are .sh and the other files are .xml and .cmd.
    This is the command used: "java -Xmx2048m -classpath weka.jar;/usr/local/hadoop/etc/hadoop/*.* weka.Run ..."
    What are missing to set this classpath? Do you have an example? Please, we need your help!


    1. Adding the config directory to the classpath should not cause any errors or exceptions. Classpath entries do not have to contain just class files or jar files. Hadoop reads configuration files from the classpath. If none are present in the classpath it will use default settings. This is the easiest way to ensure that Weka Hadoop jobs have the correct configuration settings for your cluster.


  87. Hi Mark

    Is there any published paper about distributed Weka available? How would be the correct citation for this tool?


  88. Hi Rodrigo,

    There is no publication for distributed Weka specifically I'm afraid. Probably the best thing to do is to cite the data mining book.


  89. plese give documentbor links for hadoop integrated to Weka

  90. Hi Mark, can you provide an example about distributed weka package, namely distributedWekaBase without hadoop or spark?

    Thanks in advance

  91. Hello, I want to run a parallel algorithm (an ensemble method for example 'bagging') on cloud computing and since these algorithms are essentially formed as sets, in which
    The subsets of data are trained individually but instead of merging them into a final model during
    the reduce phase, they are combined using voting techniques. So I wantto know if this type of algorithms are able to 'Being parallelized using Distributed weka hadoop

    1. Bagging in Weka implements an interface called ParallelIteratedSingleClassifierEnhancer. Distributed Weka checks for this interface and then has each worker build num iterations/num workers base classifiers. Bagging combines the base classifiers via voting (actually averaging predicted probability distributions in the Weka implementation).


    2. Thank you for your answer, I tried to use distributedwekaspark and distributedwekahadoop in an EMR cluster under amazon but I found obstacles, in short I want to know please if there are tutorials that explains how to use distributedwekaspark (or distributedwekahadoop) in EMR

  92. Hello markahall,
    I have installed hadoop in windows 8, is it possible to use weka in in it. If yes I have weka 3.6, do I need to upgrade it.

    Actually I have a modified algorithm in weka version 3.6 and i want to test it and run it in hadoop environment how can do it.

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  99. hi admin i am stuck with an error plz help me out

    09:10:55: WekaClassifierEvaluationHadoopJob$461293594|Executing ARFF Job....
    09:10:55: [Basic] HDFSSaver$798862737|-dest /user/abq/input/trains.csv -saver "weka.core.converters.CSVSaver -F , -M ? -N -decimal 6" -hdfs-host iksenode2 -hdfs-port 8020|Save successful
    09:10:55: WekaClassifierEvaluationHadoopJob$461293594|Copying /repository/weka-3-9-3/weka.jar to HDFS
    09:10:55: WekaClassifierEvaluationHadoopJob$461293594|Copying /home/abq/wekafiles/packages/distributedWekaHadoopCore/distributedWekaHadoopCore.jar to HDFS
    09:10:55: WekaClassifierEvaluationHadoopJob$461293594|Copying /home/abq/wekafiles/packages/distributedWekaBase/distributedWekaBase.jar to HDFS
    09:10:55: WekaClassifierEvaluationHadoopJob$461293594|Copying /home/abq/wekafiles/packages/distributedWekaBase/lib/opencsv-2.3.jar to HDFS
    09:10:55: WekaClassifierEvaluationHadoopJob$461293594|Copying /home/abq/wekafiles/packages/distributedWekaBase/lib/jfreechart-1.0.13.jar to HDFS
    09:10:55: WekaClassifierEvaluationHadoopJob$461293594|Copying /home/abq/wekafiles/packages/distributedWekaBase/lib/jcommon-1.0.16.jar to HDFS
    09:10:55: WekaClassifierEvaluationHadoopJob$461293594|Copying /home/abq/wekafiles/packages/distributedWekaBase/lib/colt-1.2.0.jar to HDFS
    09:10:55: WekaClassifierEvaluationHadoopJob$461293594|Copying /home/abq/wekafiles/packages/distributedWekaBase/lib/la4j-0.4.5.jar to HDFS
    09:10:55: WekaClassifierEvaluationHadoopJob$461293594|Copying /home/abq/wekafiles/packages/distributedWekaBase/lib/t-digest-3.1.jar to HDFS
    09:10:55: WekaClassifierEvaluationHadoopJob$461293594|Submitting job: ARFF instances header job [-names-file, trains.names, -M, ?, -E, ', -F, ,, -compression, 50.0, -decimal-places, 2]
    09:10:55: WekaClassifierEvaluationHadoopJob$461293594|ARFF instances header job [-names-file, trains.names, -M, ?, -E, ', -F, ,, -compression, 50.0, -decimal-places, 2] Setup: 0.0 Map: 0.0 Reduce: 0.0
    09:11:05: WekaClassifierEvaluationHadoopJob$461293594|Unable to continue - creating the ARFF header failed!
    09:11:05: [ERROR] WekaClassifierEvaluationHadoopJob$461293594|Job failed
    09:11:05: [Low] WekaClassifierEvaluationHadoopJob$461293594|Interrupted
    09:11:05: [Low] TextViewer$1631109379|Interrupted
    09:11:05: [Low] ArffLoader$491842255|Interrupted
    09:11:05: [Low] HDFSSaver$798862737|-dest /user/abq/input/trains.csv -saver "weka.core.converters.CSVSaver -F , -M ? -N -decimal 6" -hdfs-host iksenode2 -hdfs-port 8020|Interrupted

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